Samantha’s Newsletter
Hopes Dreams Plans & Commitments
Sound Check 1,2

Sound Check 1,2

Literally. Testing out 2 different mics

No transcript...

Oh. I guess I should put some information here.

Well, this works.

What’s on my heart lately is choosing a refinement of action.

For many years I’ve been writing and sharing about how paying attention to what you want is SO important and to not give any credence to it is soul-crushing, and how I watched the other members of my family crumble under the weight of their lack of care for their own wants and needs.

Recently, I made the big change to move across the country, leave my home of 5 years, and pursue living around some of my deepest friendships.

I did the thing where I actually moved to be near several of the people I used to complain lived so far away and I knew mostly via the internet.

In the 6 months I’ve been here, I’ve seen all of these friends.

But you might not guess if you watched my life that I had moved here to be close to them.

Eric Uresk said the other day, “Wanting something is different from being committed to something.”

I took it like a dagger.

If I want friendships I have to act like it.

If I want community I have to show up to places on a regular basis to find one.

If I want anything I say I want, I have to commit to it. Which means that I must be able to find evidence in my own life that I have taken action.

I want this podcast to seed my dream of collaborative retreats with stunning people (most of whom I’m inviting on as guests). I know some of the most curious, explorative, and open humans on the planet, who have pursued their own interests enough to satiate their minds across a plethora of methodologies that you might just jive with to help you.

I want to join forces at communal retreats where 4-6 of us representing our own ways of looking at things and probably 5 different “labels” for you, the receiver, to explore.

Not only that, but I want to take us down off of the pedestals of teachers, bodyworkers, and givers or at least lower the pedestal by encouraging the people at the retreats to pursue what makes the most sense and has the most resonance for them. Maybe it’s a modality, maybe it’s something they see in a person that they believe will help them the most. And then the next day work with a different person if they choose over the course of a week.

Imagine having 4-6 people working with you in collaborative real time in some cozy living space with a vaulted ceiling, stone walls, and a fireplace.

I hope and dream of this because it’s the best idea ever and who wouldn’t want to come to it?

I’m grounding it in the plans I’ll continually roll out here and in the podcast.

I’m committing to the podcast as a real-life example of a stop on the path to those events.

And I’m gonna be talking to these individuals about their hopes, dreams, plans, and commitments. What could be better than that?

I have a few other things I’m working on that I’ll reveal in the first (real) episode. It’s all launching on Monday.

This will be available on Spotify, Apple, and here on Substack.

Samantha’s Newsletter
Hopes Dreams Plans & Commitments
Surround yourself with people that are building the things they dream of. This podcast is made of shorter interviews of 30-min or fewer with people that know what they want and what they're doing to get it. Listen as I share my own hopes, dreams, plans, and commitments as they evolve with action.